Quality of Life Matters

“Quality of life happens to be the element that is most important in motivating people to deal with an illness,” says Noreen Clark, director of the Center for Managing Chronic Disease at the University of Michigan. “People aren’t motivated to follow their clinical regimen if in fact it doesn’t improve the way they function and get along with others and manage day to day.”

Source: Laura Landro in the WSJ.

Comments (2)

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  1. brian says:

    good study

  2. Buster says:

    Imagine that?

    “People aren’t motivated to follow their clinical regimen if in fact it doesn’t improve the way they function and get along with others and manage day to day.”

    If more clinicians understood that, they would not be disappointed as often. During my last exam, my doctor told me my (systolic) blood pressure was slightly elevated — as was my cholesterol. But he said considering my lifestyle was healthy, it was not something we should attempt to remedy with medications.