Pushing the Envelope on Corporate Wellness

The Vitality Group…allows you to earn various levels of elite status, depending on how many of your goals you reach, how often you go to the gym, whether you take a C.P.R. course and any number of other things… Vitality’s president and chief executive, Arthur Carlos, estimates that a platinum member who works hard at taking advantage of the program can extract more than $5,000 in annual value through the company’s network of gym, travel and other discounts.

Dana Goldman (RAND): “Medicare should be paying people to take 45-year-olds for walks.” Full article on the movement to incentivizing health care in 2011.

Comments (3)

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  1. Vicki says:

    I don’t know if any of this cuts costs, but it seems like a good thing to do in any event.

  2. Bruce says:

    None of this pays for itself directly. But it may pay for itself by attracting healthy, rather than sick, employees.

  3. Brian Williams. says:

    Three cheers for the Vitality Group and their healthy employee program. The problem comes when Government forces companies to cookie-cut their own similar programs.