Policy Update 2009/08/24

Comments (4)

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  1. Charlie says:

    Demanding salary information from private citizens is just an absurd intrusion into our privacy that should raise flags from everyone. Hopefully he gets beaten back on this one, but it seems to be becoming an upsetting trend. Link

  2. Joe S. says:

    Enjoyed Air Americal’s attack on Obama.

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    Interesting! Even Krugman agrees coops have no competitive advantage over for-profit insurers.

    He should have also explained how the whole concept of a non-profit coop is a sham. Coops are for-profit entities run for the benefit of members – not organizations pursuing charitable missions. If a coop is run like a charity whose mission is to cover the uninsurable at low rates, it would go broke when its members leave for more competitive “for-profit” insurance products.

    Krugman also needs to get over the idea that offending progressives is bad for Obama. Most Americans are politically just to the left or right of the center. If Obama panders to the socialists, he will lose the people in the middle – who will vote Republican.

  4. Brian says:

    If insurance has nothing to hide thenthey should be willing to divulge this information. We know how much the banks make, we know how much the car industry makes, we know a lot of these details about many different industries.
    The truth behind this resistance is not some trumped up sense of privacy-invasion but is about hiding the actual cost of medical care from americans. When, better yet IF, insurance companies were to divulge this information, Americans would see just how LITTLE of their premiums are actually needed to cover the cost of theiur care and just how MUCH goes directly to the pockets of beaurucrats. Americans would be able to see just how crooked the entire system of private insurance has become and how much insurance regularly STEALS from the pockets of hard working Americans. Insurance cannot afford Americans knowing the truth about their buisness because of the in-evitable back-lash AGAINST private insurance.