ObamaCare Resistance Explained: The Voters are Crazy

This ambivalence can be explained by the theory of cognitive dissonance, the anxiety and anger that comes from holding two contradictory ideas at once. On one side, we believe in rugged individualism and want Big Brother to stay out of our lives. On the other side, we expect government to rescue us if we get in trouble.

“Americans are like motorcyclists about to take a spill,” says Uwe E. Reinhardt, a professor of economics and public affairs at Princeton University. Born free, they don’t want the government to tell them to wear a helmet. Then when they get injured, they expect the government to take care of them — thanks to a 1986 bill (signed by rugged individualist Ronald Reagan) that ambulances and hospitals provide emergency services regardless of a patient’s ability to pay. “The motorcyclist is a rugged individualist until he needs to go to the hospital.”

Full report on the double-think on ObamaCare.

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  1. Tom H. says:

    Substance doesn’t matter? Only irrational thoughts? You expect me to believe this?

  2. Joe S. says:

    Uwe Reinhardt can’t seem to grasp that rational individuals would reject nationalized health care. What world is he living in?

  3. Larry C. says:

    Could it be that the Obama crowd is crazy?

  4. Juan O. says:

    Does the same thing hold true for lawyers? Everyone hates lawyers … until you need one.

  5. Rod says:

    totally not true no one wants this goverment control.. and this goverment is screwed up and obama has the U.S bankrupt,,,screw this goverment it can’t do nothing for any one but waste…