Obama Labor Department: Hiring Quotas for the Disabled

The Obama administration is on the verge of compelling most of the largest corporations and universities, as well as many smaller businesses, to adopt a 7% hiring quota for disabled job applicants—lest they be debarred from doing business with the federal government. This radical personnel policy could raise costs and slash the productivity of almost 200,000 companies with U.S. government contracts.

James Bovard article in the WSJ.

Comments (4)

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  1. Studebaker says:

    The disabled have medical costs substantially higher than non-disabled. Seven percent? That’s huge!

  2. Mark Glasgow says:

    I understand that this will result in a loss of productivity – this seems undeniable to me. And while the method for enactment seems finicky, I believe that the underlying goal is laudable. Yes, it is economically inefficient. Yes, it will undermine the bottom line of some companies. Nevertheless, a moral society has a duty to provide a helping hand to those who have been less-fortunately endowed by the unfair forces of nature.

  3. Jeff says:


  4. brian says:

    Yes Mark, but not the way they are trying to do it.