News Flashes I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Bruce says:

    The republic would be much safer if Congress spent 100% of its time taunting each other. I can’t think of a better way for them to spend time.

  2. Joe Barnett says:

    The Johns Hopkins expert points to the fact that we don’t have very much comparative effectiveness research. It sounds like it might take decades to do all the research and establish the parameters for quality care. In the meantime, maybe they’ll just ration care?

  3. Paul H. says:

    The Johns Hopkins study is more important than you might suppose. The whole idea behind Obama Care’s ACOs is that quality can be measured and rewarded.

  4. Devon Herrick says:

    It’s hard to believe that one-in-five lung cancer patients continues to smoke. Lung cancer has a poor prognosis so maybe those who continue smoking believe they might as well enjoy the time they have left rather than suffer withdrawal .

  5. Jeff says:

    I like Bruce’s idea. When they are taunting they aren’t causing harm.

  6. Madeline says:

    People are fat because they eat too much. That’s a no brainer.

  7. Virginia says:

    about Congress: What do they do with the other 73% of their time? I bet it’s not any better.

    about smoking: I have a friend with terminal stomach cancer that is still smoking. He feels like the cancer is going to get him first, so why stop now?

  8. Neil H. says:

    You must really be addicted if you keep smoking after you get lung cancer.

  9. Greg says:

    I agree with Paul. The implication is that all the focus of ACOs, therefore, is going to be on cutting costs.

  10. Devon Herrick says:

    Ygleseias’ graph is interesting. In the last 40 years Americans have boosted their caloric intake by one-quarter. Most of this was additional grains and added fat. Five hundred additional calories a day for years on end could definitely increase one’s girth.