Minorities See the Worst Doctors, Banning Menthol Cigarettes, and Does Your Kitchen Pass Inspection?

Who sees the worst doctors? Minorities, non-English speaking, the uninsured and patients on Medicaid.

Should menthol cigarettes be banned? (Very good Reason video.)

30% of the “overweight” believe they are actually normal size. 70% of the obese feel they are simply overweight.

Comments (8)

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    The nearly one-third of overweight individuals who view themselves as normal weight probably believe being overweight is the new “normal” while being what was previsously viewed as normal weight is the exception. With each passing year, they are increasingly correct.

  2. Ken says:

    The Reason video was very good. It shows what idiots politicians can be.

  3. Bruce says:

    Who sees the worst doctors? Those groups are going to be joined by the elderly and the disabled on Medicare, once Obama Care kicks in.

  4. Robert says:

    Perhaps they are normal size. I believe way back in 1998 millions of people went to bed at the “right weight” and woke up “overwieght” according the BMI because the weight classifications were changed. If they were wrong in June of 1997 and corrected in July of 1998 what makes those numbers correct now?

  5. Robert says:

    sorry – June 1998

  6. Vicki says:

    I’m afraid my home kitchen would fail the test. Is a dog really a no no?

  7. Bart Ingles says:

    Hey! I’m just big boned!

  8. Virginia says:

    Reason is a great site. I get their print magazine and love all of their stuff!

    And, no, my kitchen would not pass a health inspection. But that’s ok since I am the only one that eats most of my cooking!