How Much is an Egg Worth?

Ads in newspapers at Harvard, Princeton and Yale promised $35,000 for donors, Dr. Levine found, while an ad placed on behalf of an anonymous couple in The Brown Daily Herald offered $50,000 for “an extraordinary egg donor.”

Full New York Times article here. We previously reported that each 100 point increase in an SAT score was worth $2,350.

Comments (5)

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  1. Ken says:

    Hey, markets work. What else is new.

  2. Bruce says:

    Does it follow from a woman’s right to choose that she has the right to sell her eggs?

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    It makes sense to me that if you are seeking an egg donor, you would want the best possible combination of attributes. The cost of acquiring an egg from an attractive Harvard graduate is inconsequential compared to the cost of raising and educating the child conceived from a donated egg.

  4. Vicki says:

    Bruce: the answer is “yes”.

  5. Virginia says:

    I have never considered donating eggs, but for $10,000. Oh yeah. The way I see it, my genetic material lives on, I don’t have to go through pregnancy, and I don’t have to raise a child (at least not that one). I would bet that the only thing stopping most women is the discomfort of the harvesting process.