How Insurance Agents Feel About ObamaCare Exchanges

In Minnesota, the exchange is called MNsure:

  • mnsure-dot-org-ss_mainEleven percent of agents indicate they are convinced MNsure will eventually work, and be a benefit to clients, while 13 percent are hopeful it will eventually work.

  • Nearly 60 percent express disbelief it will ever work well, but expect to keep trying.
  • More than 19 percent have given up trying.
  • More than 47 percent urge professional insurance agent associations to focus on making sure a competitive, private marketplace exists outside of MNsure.
  • Yet 27 percent urge their associations to work with MNsure while protecting the private, non-MNsure marketplace.
  • Twenty-two percent ask their associations to support a complete MNsure overhaul, or work against MNsure.

Survey by Dave Racer.

Comments (17)

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  1. Andrew says:

    “Eleven percent of agents indicate they are convinced MNsure will eventually work”

    The lack of optimism must be troubling for MNsure.

    • Matthew says:

      “More than 19 percent have given up trying.”

      I doubt it gets more disheartening than this statistic.

    • Simon W. says:

      How can a program develop and be successful if the people do not trust it? Programs such as ACA need support to be able to succeed. Sadly, this program focused on political issues rather what the population needed. When things are not intended for the people’s benefit, it is hard for the people to support it.

      • Thomas says:

        How can you trust it? With all of the flaws that happen on a daily basis, any sane citizen would not sign up under the exchanges.

      • Bill B. says:

        This is definitely more for politics than what this country really needed.

  2. Thomas says:

    All Obamacare exchanges are ending up a massive failure, as indicated by this survey.

  3. Peter O. says:

    If the exchanges are not working, the program is not working, people hate that they are not working; how come some people believe Obamacare is working?
    Government must step up and intervene in the mess they have created before the problems are too big to be resolved.

    • Walter Q. says:

      Where do you start to fix this? We are too far into this mess to go back before ObamaCare.

      • Peter O. says:

        Agree there is no going back. Dr. Goodman stated in his interview with CNS News, Obamacare destroyed the individual market; it won’t be as easy as just repealing ACA. But that doesn’t mean that we have to settle for this mess we are going through. What to change? Pick, there are many things going wrong currently with Obamacare, many things that can be changed which would benefit the system. I would start with the exchanges. If people can enroll easier they would trust the program more, and that is the first thing that ACA need, people to believe it would work.

        • Walter Q. says:

          That may have to start with a website that should be able to sustain the amount of traffic of having the entire United States sign up for coverage.

          • Peter O. says:

            If the webpage was the backbone of the program, why it was launched if it wasn’t ready to sustain the amount of traffic expected? I think this shows that the program focused on politics rather than needs…

  4. Lucy says:

    More than 47 percent urge professional insurance agent associations to focus on making sure a competitive, private marketplace exists outside of MNsure.

    Sure wish that was 47 percent (and higher!) of the general public saying that.

  5. Bubba says:

    It’s so cold in Minnesota that nobody ever leaves the house. Minnesota residents have all winter long to click on just for giggles and grins.
    Those who don’t success by March 31st will spend the summer outside and never give MN Sure a second thought until next winter.

  6. Hubert Blowhard says:

    Medicare will be broke by 2019. What a great idea having government run all of health insurance. The more they fail the more power they want.

    WAKE UP! When will people ever learn – government produces inefficiency, waste, and ultimately makes us all poorer.