The Commonwealth Fund has assembled a group of experts who have created a plan that will create universal coverage so efficiently that "the savings will basically pay for itself." Plus, it has these additional features:
- No patient, no employer, nor any insurer will have to choose between health care and other uses of money.
- No doctor, no hospital, nor any other provider will have to compete for patients on the basis of price.
- No doctor, no hospital, nor any other provider will have to compete for patients on the basis of quality.
- No health plan will have to worry about how to price and manage risk because everyone will pay the same premium and get the same benefits.
What do you call it when a plan is devised by people at the top and when everybody at the bottom has a self interest in defeating it? Let's call it a Five Year plan.
Hillarious post. Genuinely funny.
Funny in one sense. But sad in another. It truly boggles the mind.
You can call it a Five Year plan. I’ll call it socialism.
Why don’t we call it fascism?
Why don’t we call it idiocy?