It’s good that President Obama understands the role of incentives. He acknowledges the fact that paying nothing to a primary care doctor for labor intensive diabetes education is less lucrative than paying a surgeon $50,000 ($740 to $1,140 in actual dollars) to amputate a diabetic’s diseased leg.
However, his argument suffers from two fallacies. The same doctor would not provide both diabetes education and amputation. Second, it’s the government that sets the rates if the patient is on Medicare.
How many peole are noticing the extraordinary number of “fishy” statements coming from Obama?
It’s good that President Obama understands the role of incentives. He acknowledges the fact that paying nothing to a primary care doctor for labor intensive diabetes education is less lucrative than paying a surgeon $50,000 ($740 to $1,140 in actual dollars) to amputate a diabetic’s diseased leg.
However, his argument suffers from two fallacies. The same doctor would not provide both diabetes education and amputation. Second, it’s the government that sets the rates if the patient is on Medicare.
Have you noticed how frequenly Obama insults doctors. Hard to see how that gets him anywhere.