Hits and Misses

12 thoughts on “Hits and Misses”

  1. Red wine fights cavities! and Alcohol triggers junk food cravings.

    This sounds like a vicious cycle. You drink wine hoping it will kill germs that cause cavities. But that triggers a junk food binge that can cause cavities. So you drink more wine…

      1. Pro Tip: Don’t brush your teeth then drink wine, though. I made that mistake once. And only once.

  2. “Alcohol triggers junk food cravings”

    I’m so glad science finally got involved to tell us all what we already know.

      1. “I don’t have a junk food problem! I’ve just been drinking.”

        That’ll go over well at the holidays.

  3. That’s insane. 77 percent of frequent visitors have a substance abuse problem? That’s a big number.

  4. Alcohol triggers junk food cravings.

    More useless information! Next, scientists will inform us marijuana triggers junk food cravings!

  5. RE the breakfast/lunch & skip dinner report – it only reaffirms the old saying: You should breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and eat dinner like a pauper to be healthy.

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