Lose Weight While You Sleep, and Other Links

Heartache doesn’t actually break the heart; but it slows it down.

Ambivalence: The reason some people can’t make a decision.

Is it better to be smart or social? Groups with good social skills outperform those who are merely smart.

Lose weight while you sleep: Apparently it actually works.

Aversion therapy: The mere sight of a sick person boosts our immunity.

Comments (6)

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  1. Vicki says:

    Social skills are more important than mental skills? That’s easy for me to believe.

  2. Ken says:

    Heartache is bad for the heart? Hard to believe.

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    People who see the world in absolutes (e.g. black and white) are more likely to make quick decisions and never worry about whether their decision was the correct one. People who see the world as shades of gray d have a harder time making a decision because they agonize over whether they’re making best one.

  4. Virginia says:

    Social skills are the means by which we translate our intelligence into useful activity. It doesn’t make any difference how smart we are. If we can’t communicate and get others on board, we won’t accomplish much.

  5. Nancy says:

    I don’t believe you can lose weight by just sleeping.

  6. Bart I says:

    A zombie movie a day…