Hits and Misses

These studies are from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). They are all gated, but summaries are accessible.

Drinkers earn more than non-drinkers. But it isn't because alcohol is "an elixir that enhances productivity."

So much for the dangers of second-hand smoke. Workplace bans are not associated with "statistically significant short-term declines in mortality or hospital admissions" for heart attacks or other diseases.

One less thing to worry about. Gun shows are unrelated to homicides or suicides using guns.

Government officials are less likely to steal when they face re-election and face judicial punishment for their conduct. Surprise.

4 thoughts on “Hits and Misses”

  1. Glad to hear the results on drinking. Nice to have well established habits reinforced.

  2. Just recalling the Andrew Dice Clay skit on SNL, where he’s indiscriminately blowing smoke into the faces of other guests at a cocktail party…

    “Don’t you know that second-hand smoke is deadly?”

    “Heyyy, it looks like I made the right choice!”

  3. No surprise on the gun show results. But if the study findings had gone the other way, it would have made front page headlines in all the major newspapers.

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