Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Joe Barnett says:

    Unencrypted data broadcast from one’s home or office network is free for the taking by anyone with a receiver.

  2. Studebaker says:

    “Tom Coburn defends the doctor’s cartel.

    Sen. Coburn is almost always spot on when it comes to public policy issues. But few doctors really understand and support competition among physicians. Of course a nurse practitioner or a physicians’ assistant doesn’t have the knowledge of a primary care physician. But, most conditions patients experience don’t require the knowledge of a medical doctor. I suspect that requiring NPs and PAs to work for doctors likely doesn’t improve the quality of care patients receive from mid-level providers. But it probably does boost physician income at the expense of mid-level providers. More importantly, it probably reduces the supply of mid-level providers because they profit less from their own activities.

  3. Matt says:

    How many times is google going to get in trouble for this? its absurd.