Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Perry says:

    The NSA can look at your electronic medical records.

    As I have said, this makes HIPAA meaningless, all this extra paperwork and hassle for nothing.

    ObamaCare will insure 25 million and leave 31 million uninsured.

    I thought the point was to cover all the uninsured????

  2. Louise says:

    Is there anything the NSA can’t look into? What national security interest is served by knowing about my seasonal allergies?

    • Randall says:

      The NSA is supposed to have some pretty deep access to everyone. Just the problem is, can we trust them?

  3. Cindy says:

    I agree with Louise. This is not just scary; it’s unnecessary. Maybe paper records would be better?

  4. Louise says:

    Yes, but that’s silly — people shouldn’t have to not take advantage of technology because they are afraid of their government.

  5. Mackenzie says:

    That’s a lot of people uninsured — looks like Obamacare is an even bigger failure than we anticipated.

  6. Studebaker says:

    The NSA can look at your electronic medical records.

    I wonder if the NSA considers me an internal threat to US security because I’ve only seen the doctor once in the past dozen years? Didn’t Al Gore want to force every American to get a checkup once a year?

  7. CBrady says:

    31 million people will remain uninsured? What’s the point of ObamaCare again?

  8. Joe Barnett says:

    As Senior Fellow Peter Ferrara points out in a recent NCPA publication, Health Savings Accounts, coupled with high-deductible health insurance, are a solution to rising health care costs http://www.ncpathinktank.org/pub/ib124