Giving Thanks is Good for Your Health, and Other Links

Giving thanks is good for your health. Adults who frequently feel grateful have more energy, more optimism, more social connections and more happiness than those who do not.

How many calories are in your Thanksgiving meal?

A Thanksgiving dinner for vegetarians.

Thanksgiving menu transparency for nervous nellies. Bon Appétit.

Does eating turkey make you sleepy?  Aaron Carroll says no.

Comments (7)

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  1. Tom H. says:

    I think it is fair to say that Thanksgiving is not for vegetarians.

  2. Vicki says:

    If you wwere not previously a nervous nellie, your post will turn you into one.

  3. Seamus Muldoon says:

    Does turkey make you drowsy? I’ll let you know right after my nap.

  4. James F. says:

    The calorie counter doesn’t consider second and third helpings.

  5. Virginia says:

    The thanksgiving calorie counter is missing one big category: alcohol. I bet that would push most people’s consumption to 2,000 calories. Easily.

    Thanksgiving is sort of an arbitrary holiday if you think about it. What other time of the year do we spend so much time obsessing over a meal?

  6. Paul H. says:

    On whether turkey makes you sleepy:. I think it is the second and third helpings that make you sleepy.

  7. Ken says:

    I always enjoy the nervous nellie peice. It should be required reading for wacko envirnomentalists.