Genes in Unexpected Places, California’s Ticking Pension Bomb, and How Personality Affects Brain Aging

The least among us: Scientists are finding genes that stop cancer growth and have other valuable uses in yeast, nematode worms and even frogs.

California’s unfunded pension liability is about six times the size of this year’s state budget and seven times more than the outstanding voter-approved general obligations bonds.

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    I suspect if researchers delve further into the matter, they will discover the co-workers, spouses, family and friends of neurotics also age faster on account of spending too much time around the neurotic people!

  2. Virginia says:

    So will my doctor soon tell me to take frog extract to prevent cancer? Sounds about as appetizing as fish oil.

    I don’t doubt that California’s got some huge problems. They’re too busy trying to stop the slide into the ocean to worry about pension reform.

  3. Ken says:

    I’m not a bit surprised that worry worts have brains that age faster. I hope they didn’t spend very much money to discover this fact.