Hits & Misses – 2008/12/10

At least 400,000 embryos are frozen. [link]

Healthiest state: Vermont; Unhealthiest: Texas. [link]

How happy you are may depend on how happy your friends' friends' friends are. [link]

Mayo makes its errors public. [link]

Comments (4)

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  1. Vicki says:

    Question: What is the legal status of a frozen embryo? Does it have any rights?

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    What I find most surprising is that many people who cannot bear to destroy an unneeded embryo also do not want to donate it to another couple. (Mostly because they cannot bear the thought of someone else raising their children.) The idea that embryos are too valuable to destroy yet not something that another couple could use seems inconsistent.

  3. Robert says:

    I believe the answer to Vicki’s question is that the legal status of frozen embyos is uncertain. They have been an issue in some bitter divorces. But the potential legal nightmare is mind boggling.

  4. Bruce says:

    See my comment above. The Catholic Church is now condemning in vitro fertilization. However, they have no idea what to do with all those embryos.