Congress Can Stay in their Current Health Insurance Plans, Vacation Subsidies for the Poor, and Consumer-Driven Execution?

OPM: Congress won’t have to become uninsured after all. Members and staff can stay in their federal insurance plans until they must join the exchanges to be created in 2014. My advice: Get your surgery done before that date.

About 40 percent of all advanced clinical trials sponsored by the Cancer Institute are never completed. That is an incredible waste of effort and money.

Consumer-Driven Execution. In Utah the condemned can choose: Firing squad or lethal injection. (Need I say what real men would choose?)

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  1. Stephen C. says:

    John, no doubt about it. Also, a real man would not use the blind fold.

  2. Virginia says:

    It’s amazing what we think of as a “human right.” Look back 200 years and tell me how many people had vacations. Uh… none. You vacationed when you were dead.

    This whole notion that people have a right to a certain wage, a right to a certain house, and a right to a certain life is absurd. We have a right to use our mind and our bodies to the best of our abilities until we begin to interfere with others’ rights. We have a right to purchase property in mutually-agreed-upon transactions. Other than that, we’re on our own.

    To include more “rights” is to infringe on others’ rights via redistribution of wealth. (Speaking of which, you rarely ever hear these politicians say, “Yeah. People have a right to keep their earnings.” It’s always stated in terms of what the poor need to reach “self-actualization,” whatever that means.)

  3. Tom H. says:

    Stephen, don’t forget the last cigarette.

  4. Bruce says:

    Just what we need: government-funded vacations.

  5. Stephen C. says:

    I have to agree with you, John. Lethal injection is wimping out.

  6. Devon Herrick says:

    More than half of childhood vaccines are funded by government programs. When the Government decided in the 1990s that the children of parents below the median income should qualify for free vaccinations, numerous vaccine makers went out of business. There are periodic vaccine shortages because the few remaining firms do not want to sell at monopsony prices; and don’t compete for the childhood vaccine business. Most of the research is now on vaccines like HVP that are not reimbursed by government.