Coburn Lite

Ranking Ways and Means member Dave Camp (R-MI) was truly awful when he unveiled this plan on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." All he could talk about was "waste, fraud and abuse," code words for "I have no serious solutions." But the plan is actually better than that. Included: equal tax treatment for people who purchase their own insurance and refundable, advanceable tax credits for low- and moderate-income families. 

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  1. Joe S. says:

    I saw the interview and you’re right. He did a lousy job.

  2. Ron Greiner says:

    You can’t find a Republican politician that can do an interview about portable individual insurance in combination with a tax free HSA, it’s pathetic.

  3. Ken says:

    It’s worse than that, Ron. The Republicans can’t even agree on a few simple reforms they all can be for. There must be four or five Republican plans by now.

  4. Bart says:

    “There must be four or five Republican plans by now.”

    I’d like to see the list.

  5. John R. Graham says:

    I think he had some good points (cancer survival), but he couldn’t bring it all together into a vision. Plus, how can you mandate coverage for 25-year olds on their parents’ plan and say you want to limit the role of the government in health insurance? I was very disappointed that he had HSA improvement on his hand-out but did not discuss it in terms of patients’ reducing costs and improving quality by taking control of their health-care dollars. He used the term “high deductible” which I think is a killer.