Can One Blood Test Predict Your Life Expectancy?

The tests measure telomeres, which are structures on the tips of chromosomes that shorten as people age. Various studies have shown that people with shorter telomeres in their white blood cells are more likely to develop illnesses like cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease, or even to die earlier. Studies in mice have suggested that extending telomeres lengthens lives.

Seizing on that, laboratories are beginning to offer tests of telomere length, setting off a new debate…

Full article on how a simple blood test may offer clues to your longevity.

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  1. Bruce says:

    Hard to believe this one.

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    Many of the researchers in this field say the tests have no predictive value. However, the promoters of these tests counter that merely knowing you have shortened telomeres might be an indicator that you should take better care of yourself.

  3. Brian Williams. says:

    Waiting for the new drug that extends telomeres…

  4. Virginia says:

    I don’t think the test would tell anyone anything that they did not already know. Most people know that they need to take better care of themselves.