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  1. Bruce says:

    I like the bird mortality count. To save the birds, kill the environmentalists! (Okay, at least lock them up for their own good.)

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    Even worse than wind farms (sometimes called bird blenders) are high-rise glass buildings. Supposedly birds fly into glass buildings all the time.

  3. Tom H. says:

    This is one of the very few blog sites I go to (maybe the only one) where there is any recognition that insuring the uninsured through Medicaid does not necessarily make people better off. It may make them worse off.

  4. Vicki says:

    It’s amazing to me that the Democrats in Congress are out there bragging about the fact that they are going to enroll 16 million or so people in Medicaid. You would think they would be ashamed.

  5. Rusty W. says:

    Bruce, prisons cost real money. How about tar and feather?

  6. Allyson Pellissier says:

    RE: Is being uninsured better than being on Medicaid?

    Great article, thanks for the link! I hope the UVA study will have at least some bearing on the “individual mandate” aspect of Obamacare when the states’ cases hit the courts.