AHIP Study: Medicare Advantage Plans Have Lower Readmission Rates

Based on a large sample of administrative claims data, this study measured 30-day readmission rates for hospitalized Medicare Advantage (MA) patients of 14.5% (per admission) in the 2006-2008 period. After adjustments for readmission risk and disability entitlement status, the MA readmission rate was about 13% to 20% lower than that in Medicare’s traditional fee-for-service (FFS) program. Benchmark measurements of readmission rates among MA patients can help provide an impetus for additional reductions in both MA and FFS Medicare.

Full study on hospitals readmission rates, comparison of samples data, and full AHIP Press Release.

Comments (4)

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    It doesn’t surprise me that MA plans have a lower readmission rate. By design, MA plans are managed care (i.e. managing the care of enrollees). An insurer who is at risk for the cost of all complications is more likely to follow the senior’s progress than traditional Medicare — which managed nothing.

  2. Joe Barnett says:

    No, really?

  3. Bruce says:

    What I would have expected.

  4. Greg says:

    This is consistent with previous research.