“These changes need to see the light of day.”

Sen. Chuck Grassley on rejected Republican amendments to the Baucus health care bill:

Americans considering what this health care proposal means for them deserve to know that Medicare prescription drug premiums would probably go up, veterans’ access to health care would be diminished, and workers’ wages could be garnished in the midst of growing unemployment and a prolonged recession, in order to pay for other spending in the health reform bill.

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  1. Bret says:

    Let’s just hope Grassley doesn’t sell out.

  2. Bruce says:

    At least he’s saying the right things for now.

  3. wylie says:

    The left are huge hypocrtics when it comes to their fake demonization of private insurance. In fact, they want to give them millions of new customers thru their Individual Mandate and a national Monoploy markert thru there so-called “exchange”!

    Contrary to popular opinion in the media, the Individual Mandate, not the so-called public option is the key to stopping Obamcare in its tracks. Stop the Individual Mandate and the whole bill will unravel for lack of funding and mandatory participation in the scheme!

    This is a very dangerous period because Nationalization will still occur even without an overt government run insurance plan like this “public option” provision everyone keeps fixating on – Wyden/Bennett and the Bacus bill are prime examples of this.

    Individual Mandates to buy private insurance sound like a “free market” solution and “individual responsibility” but in this context they are not – they are simply a front for a government run system. Many conservatives can be easily fooled by this faux “private” front (Mitt Romney was) .

    Here are the core elements what will be contained in the “health care reform compromise” after the so-called “public option” is in all likelihood dropped:

    (a) Federal Regulation aka HEALTH CZAR/DEATH PANELS

    (b) Employer/Individual Mandates aka NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE

    (c) Government Subsidies aka MIDDLE CLASS MEDICAL WELFARE

    With the Federal Government setting the rules, forcing everyone to participate, and is paying the bills for most of the middle class through subsidies how is this anything other than Nationalization?

    Obamacare or any other plan that constains Individual Mandates is a corrupt bargain that benefits DC Politicians, Big Union, Big Industry, and Big/Nanny Government. The losers that get stuck with the bill and socialist medicine are the young, the elderly, the taxpayer and small business.

    Its amazaing how stupid the left really is – they dont even know when they are being scammed lol!

  4. Grover says:

    This is from Rasmussen Reports Wednesday Update:

    83% of U.S. voters want final legislation posted online for everybody to read before congress votes. Of those who want legislation posted… 64% want it available for two weeks or more… 29% say one week.

    See the full report at http://tinyurl.com/RR0653

  5. Devon Herrick says:

    The Left is fond of saying… “health coverage will only be affordable when everyone is covered.”

    Despite the absence of any logical explaining how this might (other than fuzzy logic) the Left actually believes this. Just imagine how ludicrous it sounds if someone were to say… “cars will only be affordable when everyone owns a car.”

    What the Left really means is that the average cost of coverage will go down if only we could force healthy young people (who don’t need medical care) to pay community-rated premiums to offset loses experienced by under-charging older, less healthy people.

  6. Brian W. says:

    During the 1994 debate on Hillarycare, the CBO issued a 100-page analysis to give Congress and the public a better understanding of the reforms.

    Jim Capretta points out in a NR blog post that “the public should get the same kind of thorough review of what Obamacare would mean before Congress takes any further steps toward passage.”