Update on Global Warming

  • There has been no warming for the past 10 years – something that cannot be explained by the computer models.
  • A doubling of CO2 opens to cause warming of 1°C. Computer models predict 3°C.
  • There is no increase in “extreme weather” – no trend in “potent tornados” for the past 50 years.

Full WSJ editorial by William Happer worth reading.

Comments (5)

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  1. Anne Alice says:

    I do hear fewer drums beating over the global warming debate. Have proponents of that fiction finally given up??

  2. Buster says:

    The notion that humans can affect a significant change in the temperature of the Earth is somewhat pretentious. The temperature of the Earth has been fluctuation for as long as the Earth has been in existence.

  3. brian says:

    There will be global climate change this century on an incredible scale, but it will not be anthropogenic/fossil fuel caused.

    Bear in mind that the last ice age ended in a span of between 10 and 50 years. Massive amounts of water came flooding down the North American continent and Eurasia.

  4. Brian Williams. says:

    If there is global warming, humans are dynamic enough to adapt. In fact, humans will likely thrive when it is warmer … unless you live on Tuvalu.

  5. brian says:

    Humans wouldn’t necessarily thrive in a warmer climate if it meant drier, more desert-like conditions.

    Like in the Book of Eli, or Damnation Alley.