The Empire Strikes Back

David Axelrod:  Opponents are spreading all sorts of lies and distortions.

News headline: AMA joins with FamiliesUSA, Federation of American Hospitals, PhRMA & SEIU in ad campaign in support of health plan.

Sunday (London) Times responds to NCPA and others.

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  1. Joe S. says:

    Hard to match the lies and distortions coming out of the White House. the biggest whopper of all is that the townhall protesters are fronts for insurance companies and the Republican Party.

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    The biggest whopper is that the White House reform plan will be revenue neutral and put us on the path of fiscal sustainability.

  3. Bart Ingles says:

    The Times Online article seemed remarkably balanced. Even the one statement that raised a flag,

    “Some 60% of bankruptcies in the United States are related to healthcare costs,”

    vanishes when I attempt to parse it: what does “related to” mean? Does it include inverse relationships, such as “bankrupt people tend to spend less on health care”?

    I guess that’s also true of many of the statements coming out of the White House and elsewhere. They’re not really lies, they just don’t mean what you think they mean. I always think of that classic example with Pres. Clinton uttering the words “that woman” while shaking his finger at Helen Thomas.

  4. John R. Graham says:

    The part I like best in the London Times’ article is that when Ms. Whiteman got a job at Variety newspaper in Hollywood, “she had to decide between several schemes the company had on offer.” The poor thing: she “had” to decide – like she “had” to decide which apartment to rent, which car to buy, or even to move to Los Angeles in the first place! How much easier it would be if the government made these decisions for us.

    In fact, I envied her, because my employer doesn’t offer choice: I have one plan in my small group, which my HR manager chooses. I’d love to be able to take the pre-tax dollars that my employer uses to choose health benefits for me, and choose for myself. Unfortunately, that’s not part of the proposed “reform”.

  5. Neil H. says:

    Axelrod is showing he can match lie for lie and then some.