Snow Shovel Shape May Affect Your Risk of Heart Attack, and Other News

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  1. Bruce says:

    Who needs diagnostic tests and medical personnel, when dogs and pouched rats are cheaper anc more accurate.

  2. Vicki says:

    Wrong on obesity. People are fat because they eat too much.

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    The theory that obesity is caused by too warm indoor temperatures… It’s probably true but only to a point. In the era before climate control, people would have tolerated colder temperatures in winter thus boosting metabolic activity. Tasks would have also been more labor intensive. Basically, people would have consumed fewer calories per day and the activities of everyday life would have burned more calories.

  4. Neil H. says:

    On snow shoveling, why not move to Florida and avoid the problem?

  5. It seems to me that pet-lovers have an opportunity under Obamacare that we should seize before it is repealed.

    Because insurers must cover preventive care, we need to start lobbying the US Preventive Services Task Force to list dogs as preventive care. Then we can send our claims for adoption fees, veterinary fees, dog food, toys, et cetera to our health insurers for reimbursement!

    (Just kidding of course: Folks know from my previous comments that pet owners would pay these costs indirectly through a reduction in relative wages versus non-pet owning colleagues.)