4 thoughts on “If You Have to Have a Heart Attack, Try to Do It in the Right Place”

  1. In my study of medical tourism, I found mortality rates for cardiac surgery in California hospitals varied from 0% at one hospital, to 13% at another hospital. The average rate nationwide is about 3%. While presenting at a conference I rhetorically said “I don’t know what’s going on at this hospital.” An insurance executive in the audience piped up and said he knew what the problem was… “hospital-acquired infections caused by dirty hospitals” was his answer. I suspect he is correct.

  2. Notice that while the government (see above post) is preventing people from getting life saving drugs, it is doing virtually nothing to even warn people about dangerous hospitals.

  3. A good start would be for the government to release the information it has on Medicare’s experience with all the hospitals and all the doctors.

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