Salt Consumption Isn’t So Bad After All, and Other Links

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  1. Gabriel Odom says:

    On the Insurance link:
    After looking at this graph
    I am worried that all those folks in higher Ed who are making 3x FPL are administrators and coaches, rather than teachers. I know for certain that college professors aren’t paid what they are worth.

  2. Timmy says:

    “Panel: there’s nothing wrong with salt.”

    There is nothing wrong with anything natural and salt is already present in many foods. Nothing serving as an additive and/or in excess is good for you. I strongly believe in this and the principle of “moderation.”

  3. Samuel says:

    “25 million employees are working in industries where employees are most likely to drop their health insurance.”

    A trend many have been already expending to happen. We’ll see how this all plays out in the next few years.

  4. Jordan says:

    25 million is suspiciously close to the number of uninsured ppaca was supposed to cover.

  5. Pete says:

    Moderation in ‘merica might be asking a little much.

  6. H. James Prince says:

    The article didn’t say “there’s nothing wrong with salt”. It said “there isn’t sufficient evidence that cutting sodium intake below 2,300 milligrams per day cuts the risk of heart disease.”

    Big difference. High-salt diets still cause high blood pressure – or make existing symptoms worse.

  7. Marcus Weyland says:

    Gabriel, those “coacher” you speak of so derisively, they are the people who advertize the university. Like it or not, it’s the football and basketball programs that bring in the money for the new library, or the new dorms, or whatever else the campus needs. The demand generated from the sports side of the school gets the name of the school out. More students will want to go to school there, because the school is “cool”. The prospect of playing sports is what keeps many underprivileged children in school in the first place.

  8. Marcus Weyland says:


  9. Buster says:

    Panel: there’s nothing wrong with salt.

    Humans and animals all crave salt. If salt killed you, mammalian life forms would have died out long ago!

  10. Henry GrosJean says:

    Awwww, yeah!! Time to bust out the chips! My doctor can suck it.

  11. Gabriel Odom says:

    Uuhhhh, no. This isn’t a free license to eat salt. An entire bag of Fritos is still bad for you, dumbass.

  12. H. James Prince says:

    Just make sure you yell “‘MURICA!!!” really loud whenever you eat all that salt.

  13. Erik says:

    The assumption that part-timers are not counted is false. When dealing with full-time equivalents, 2 part-time workers equal one full time worker.