Quote of the Day – 2009/10/13

I don’t believe that we can force vulnerable kids into private coverage. That’s what we’d be doing. They’d lose that special kind of defined benefit that comes under Medicaid…You cannot do that. They have requirements that you have to meet and can only be met through Medicaid, not in the exchange, where they’re at the mercy of people that will have them for lunch…

                                            — Sen. Jay Rockefeller

Personally, I think Sen. Rockefeller’s health is also too important to be left to the private marketplace. Let’s enroll him in Medicaid.

Comments (4)

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  1. Bret says:

    Nice jab.

  2. Ken says:

    I agree. Let’s put him in Medicaid.

  3. Larry C. says:

    Let’s put him in Mass Health, which is Massachusetts Medicaid.

  4. Brian W. says:

    Sen. Rockefeller’s care isn’t entirely left up to the private marketplace.

    Rockefeller and his colleagues have access to the Congressional Attending Physician’s office — a medical service provided to members of Congress by the U.S. Naval Medical Corps. The best Navy doctors (many of them Admirals) provide top-rate medical care to Rockefeller and other senators.