A study in The Journal of Women's Health finds that more than one fourth of men (27%) and women (29%) often share prescription medications with family and friends. (See the New York Times report.)
Apparently a significant number of people are self-diagnosing and self-treating common ailments. Currently a doctor's prescription is required to obtain drugs other than over-the-counter drugs. But doctors are often difficult to see. Increasingly, nurse practitioners and physicians' assistants can prescribe some drugs, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Some proposals before the FDA would allow pharmacists to dispense some prescription drugs without a doctor's order. A better idea is to move more prescription drugs over-the-counter.
An even "better way" would be to encourage a paradigm shift, weaning EVERYONE off these slow-killing "symptom-maskers" and moving them toward changing behavior toward better health! Steve Trinward Editor, MEDICAL FREEDOM CHANNEL: