Parkland Relents: They Voided the Bill!
Previous story about woman who waits 19 hours, never sees a physician, and gets a $165 bill.
Explaining the change of heart, Parkland CEO Ron Anderson said, “The backlash generated by John Goodman’s blog post was unbearable.” Only kidding. LOL.
Dudley Do-Right Rescues Damsel in Distress
Hat tip to Rex Parker at his blog.
I like the conection between Nell being tied to the tracks and the patient trapped in the Emergency Room.
I think Nell’s got the better deal.
Parkland hasn’t changed it’s policy. They just let one victim off the hook because of bad publicity.
John – See this newsletter about hospitals putting ER patients in hallways to alleviate overcrowding. Is this really what we consider a "strategy" in 21st century America? It sounds like Canada.
Today's Wall Street Journal health blog cites the latest on just how long a patient's patience will last in the ER.
3 little words ..Wash your hands! This is the first line of dfneese against infection. This means everybody. While we cannot enforce compliance in the general public, we can insure that ALL personnel do this after using restrooms and individual patient contact. Failure to do this on a regular basis will insure that we will have problems such as is being experienced now. It may seem unnecessary/redundant to do inservices on hand washing and its technique, and even costly taking into consideration time away from one’s assigned jobs, but it is much less costly than the possible loss of funding, accreditation and the very real and God forbid loss of human life. Nurses are not the only ones who should practice safe soapy hand washing but all personnel, given the scope of contact with the clientele at Parkland. This single handedly (no pun intended) might have prevented the current status. Again, please do good hand washing often and thoroughly. Thank you