Outlook for Medicaid Expansion

Sarah Kliff reposts this map by Caroline Pearson of Avalere Health:

Medicaid Eligibility

She adds this:

The decisions that states make this year aren’t binding; a state can decide to participate in the Medicaid expansion at any time. When Medicaid first launched, it took over two decades to convince all 50 states to participate. Eventually, federal dollars lured reluctant states like Arizona into the fold. We’re about to see whether Obamacare dollars can do the same.

Comments (10)

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  1. Benedict Popplwell says:

    I would be more interested in a map that showed which states with Republican governors/legislatures decided to implement the expansion and which states with Democratic governors/legislatures refused to implement the expansion.

  2. Irving Toller says:

    I think it is important to note that the decisions are non-binding. If I were making the choice, I’d just wait back and see whether those federal dollars actually materialize.

  3. Samuel says:

    This chart is pretty much divided between ideological lines. Will be interesting to see if those who are “no” will change their minds should money be thrown their way!

  4. Tim says:

    Interesting post. It is a good illustration of how ideology is the main force in each state’s decision making. Too bad society operates under ideology instead of more objective social science research.

  5. Emily says:

    It’ll be interesting to see what comes out of all of this in the next few years.

  6. diogenes says:

    Interesting, the states with the worst health statistics are the ones that don’t want to expand coverage.

  7. Gabriel Odom says:

    Probably the same states that know that health care is not a Constitutional right.

    There are many Americans who realize that health care is too important to be left in the hands of the government.

  8. Maria Jimenez-Herrera says:

    I’m happy that New Mexico is expanding. I have family there.

  9. Huda says:

    Why does TN have a * next to it?

  10. Gabriel Odom says:

    Tennessee is a battleground state. They are willing to expand Medicaid if and only if they receive certain free-market based concessions from Sebelius.