All that's new in the world of fat. See previous posts here, here and here. See the world's fattest man here.
- The Obesity Prevention Act. It was introduced by Sen. Chris Dodd to address "a medical emergency of hurricane-like proportions." However, don't expect a hurricane-like response. Summary is here.
- If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them. A new book, Health at Every Size, argues that (1) it is possible to be healthy no matter how fat you are and (2) weight loss as a goal is futile, unnecessary and counterproductive. See New York Times summary here.
- Overweight patrons are less likely to use chopsticks. They also sit closer to the buffet, sit facing the buffet and chew each bite less often. Study is here [gated but with abstract].
For the unskilled diner, chop sticks slow down the rate of food intake.
Could this be why Sen. Dodd was unable to exercise proper oversight of the mortgage crisis?
He was apparently spending his time thinking about people’s waistlines.