NYT Finds Privatized Health Care It Likes

It’s efficient

Emergency room use has been reduced by 50 percent, hospital admissions by 53 percent, specialty care visits by 65 percent and visits to primary care doctors by 36 percent.

It’s high quality

Patients are virtually guaranteed a doctor’s appointment on the day they request it, and their calls are answered quickly, usually within 30 seconds. The percentage of children receiving high-quality care for asthma has soared from 35 percent to 85 percent, the percentage of infants receiving needed immunizations by age 2 has risen above 90 percent, the percentage of diabetics with blood sugar under control ranks in the top 10 percentile of a standard national benchmark, and customer and employee satisfaction rates top 90 percent.

It’s definitely not following ObamaCare guidelines

Southcentral has unique attributes (it even refers cases to traditional tribal healers if doctors agree).

Full editorial on Alaska’s successful health care system.

Comments (5)

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  1. Gary says:

    It’s like the prodigal son. Should we forgive them for past sins?

  2. Otis says:

    Tribal healers are the way to go.

  3. Otis says:

    It helps that Alaska is one of the healthiest states in the country, behind North Dakota, Wyoming, and Hawaii.

  4. Strickland Bright says:

    I’m sorry, isn’t Alaska usually excluded from national surveys of the states because it is so INCREDIBLY different from every other state in EVERY way possible? What works there almost certainly won’t work elsewhere.

  5. Brickland Sight says:

    What I really like about this privatization reform is that people can usually get appointments on the same day. Too bad Alaska is such an awesome state and this may not work in most states.

    …..or would it?