Number with High-Deductible Plans Triples

In 2011, 32% of companies with 500 or more employees offered high-deductible plans. That was up from 23% in 2010, according to … the benefits consulting firm Mercer.  In all, 13% of insured employees in the survey were enrolled in such a plan this year, up from just 3% five years ago.

Companies say the approach is a benefit to them and their workers because it helps keep a lid on monthly insurance expenses. The Mercer survey showed that the average cost of employee coverage under high-deductible plans was nearly 20% lower than traditional insurance plans — $7,787 compared to $9,385.

Full article on the rise in high-deductible insurance plans in the LA Times.

Comments (4)

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  1. Greg says:

    I think this is good news. It’s a move toward more consumer driven health care.

  2. Joe S. says:

    I agree with Greg. This is good news, although it will be treated as bad news by the conventional health care media.

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    This is actually a desirable trend.

  4. Shey says:

    Absolutely agree this is a desirable trend. I recently read a report that people tend to get healthier after they start with the HDHP!

    Probably because they take more personal responsibility for their own health. THAT is not rocket science.
