Biotronik, Delayed Operations, Scott Brown, Caffeine

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    Which heart device a hospital staff uses is a very complex issue. It’s hard to say whether doctors use one brand because they are very familiar with it; and work with its makers to improve patient safety. Or maybe doctors are unduly influenced by the device makers. However, when it comes to something as delicate and inserting a heart device, I sure would not want the brand installed to be determined by which company is the low-bidder that month.

  2. Virginia says:

    Good to know that caffeine consumption is genetic. My husband would drink coffee all day long if he could; I, on the other hand, avoid it (and soda) at all costs. I always thought I was the only nut who didn’t like the stuff. Now I can blame my genes (although I think in a way, people envy the non-coffee-drinkers).

  3. Brian Williams. says:

    I agree with Devon. Bargain basement prices are not my first consideration when shopping for heart devices.

  4. Jeff says:

    Democrats want Scott Brown’s medical records? These are the same Democrats who passed Obama Care? Not a good sign.