More on “Why Aren’t You Dead?”

Previously, I wrote that markets, not regulators, promote safe consumer goods. [here]  Add to that a decent legal system and a culture that encourages trust.  Here is Tyler Cowen at his blog:

If sushi restaurants are new to a country, and are succeeding, buy shares in the stocks of that country.  Raw fish, of course, can be toxic.  Quality can be hard to monitor with the naked eye.  Sushi consumption is a sign that people are starting to trust each other.

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  1. Bill Dekle says:

    John Goodman. This has nothing to do with sushi, rather with a newpaper piece saying you are advising McCain re: health insurance.

    You claim to be conservative, yet McCain has a “plan” that is so confusing only a communist could like it.

    McCain “says he would create a federally supported plan to insure those denied coverage.”

    That’s what’s called socialism/communism/Marxism, whicheever you like.

    It gives all power to a Big Brother.

    Thus — as of now — both Obama and McCain promote a Big Bro government.

    You’re not a conservative; you’re just a guy who’ll say anything to get ahead personally.

    Sad, tragic in fact.
    Bill Dekle
    conservative and Christian
    Millen, Ga

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