Long Finger Linked to Cancer Risk, and Other Links
This is what I call “junk research.” Long finger linked to cancer risk, study finds.
A new way to diet. On average, [marathon] runners lost 3.7 pounds during the race, though nearly one out of 10 runners gained weight through excess drinking.
A less radical way to keep trim. Highly active men gained 5.7 fewer pounds. Highly active women gained 13.4 fewer pounds.
More than 25% of kids and teens in the U.S. take prescriptions on a regular basis. 45 million asthma medication prescriptions or refills a year.
I think I’ll pass on the marathons.
Agree on the junk research.
There was another recent article in JAMA that could probably be categorized as junk. Seniors who (can) walk briskly live longer (have lower mortality) than those who (can only) shuffle along slowly (the emphasis is mine).
Proving there is always a market for junk research