Inequality Redux

Increasing inequality is better explained by differences in family structure than by differences in income. This is from Jason DeParle at the NYT economics blog.

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    I’m not sure this is taught in home ec or personal finance classes in high school. But, high school and college-age kids should be taught that the easiest way to avoid poverty is to get an education, job experience and married before bearing children. Two-income households will always out-earn single-income households; and those household with a skilled members are better off than those without skills — especially if they have children.

  2. Joe S. says:

    Good post.

  3. Otis says:

    Excellent graphic. Two-income households will hopefully continue to be the model for the future.

  4. Rob Roy says:

    Watch out, Devon, if you encourage the youth to get married, you might incur the wrath of progressives.

  5. Don Levit says:

    One income households with 4 kids seemed to work pretty well 50 years ago.
    Now, 2 income housholds with 2 kids seems to work about the same.
    That’s progress?
    If that’s progress, it has gone on too long.
    Don Levit

  6. Alvin says:

    These statistics have come of age as a result of the emergence of the single parent household.

  7. Alex says:

    I agree that marriage is good for society, but does that graph take divorce into account?

    If not then there is a case to say that these differences are explained by couples splitting up as a result of low incomes.

  8. Ellie says:

    Amen, David.