In Defense of Whole Foods

Every man, woman and child consumes, on average, 43 teaspoons of sugar a day. In 13 days that adds up to a five-pound bag of sugar.

John Mackey promotes healthy eating, Health Savings Accounts and defends his Wall Street Journal editorial.

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  1. Ken says:

    Good interview.

  2. Bret says:

    We should come to Mackey’s aid. The enemy is beating up on him.

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    Wow! That’s quite a lot of sugar. What if I ate tofu instead? Would I actually live longer? Or would it merely feel longer?

  4. Linda Gorman says:

    There are 3 teaspoons to a tablespoon and 16 tablespoons in a cup. So, 43 teaspoons a day is almost a cup (.9 cup for the picky)of sugar a day.

    Everyone out there, health food nuts and babies alike, is slugging down a cup of sugar a day? I’m skeptical. Especially as the 2001-2004 National Health and Nutrition Survey says 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day.

  5. Larry C. says:

    Even if you are right Linda, I feel obliged to show solidarity and make a few more trips to Whole Foods.