I’ll Believe This When I See It, and Other News

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    Obama administration announces regulatory reductions to save the health care system nearly $1.1 billion.

    What’s really sad is I actually believe the Obama Administration elites are sincere in their desire to remove unnecessary burdens from health care providers. But the bureaucrats at HHS are busy as ever trying to codify the 2700 pages of the Affordable Care Act into regulations that will undoubtedly multiply. When all is said and done, the bureaucrats will find nothing they deem unnecessary and overly burdensome. It’s sort of like the mythical idea of government waste. Politicians have all heard about it and know it’s bad… But they cannot seem to identify any of it to cut.

  2. Ken says:

    I believe Ron Paul. I don’t believe Obama.

  3. Aaron G says:

    Ron Paul would enact his plan. Obama is great at making up numbers and having people believe them.

  4. John R. Graham says:

    I went and had a look at the link. It contains links to six different Adobe Acrobat files. The longest one has 696 pages; and the shortest is 5 pages. The total number of pages in all six is 955.

    Way to simplfy the regulations, guys! It’ll take a year or more to figure out if the savings they’re claiming are true.

  5. Brian says:

    I really like that suprachiasmatic nucleus story. What the story doesn’t mention is that there is a small element of the population whose circadian rhythms are more in sync with a 30-36 hour day than a 24 hour day. The firemen types might fall into this category.

    I have often found that I am more suited for a 30 hour cycle. Perhaps I have a highly evolved suprachiasmatic nucleus.

  6. Carolyn Needham says:

    No budget in 900+ days, but they are deciding whether or not to limit potato consumption?