How Life Began, Neanderthals and Us, and Less than Half of Workers Satisfied With Jobs

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  1. Virginia says:

    Neanderthals: I recently discovered Matt Ridley’s book on virtue. It was an excellent read, and I’m considering ordering his other books as well. He’s excellent!

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    I watched a program on PBS that concluded humans enjoyed a competitive advantage not available to other primates — the ability to run fast and sweat. Sweating is a necessary adaptation to running, which generates excess heat.

    As I recall, humans also mastered a two-piece throwing spear that allowed them to attack prey animals from much farther away. Supposedly, Neanderthals had to get closer to kill animals with spears or stone knives, which put them in much greater danger of being injured by a wounded animal.

  3. Paul H. says:

    Remember Devon, our ancestors apparently mated with the Neanderthals. so how different could they have been?

  4. Stephen C. says:

    On Mars, the contamination occurs only if there is some sort of life on that planet. Otherwise, the contamination doesn’t matter.

  5. Ken says:

    Wall Street Journal on Saturday has a huge article on humans versus Neanderthals and why our ancestors won out because of specialization and exchange. I believe the author is Matt Ridley.