Holiday Myths, and Other Links

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  1. Marvin says:

    As to the Neanderthals, it would be pretty cool to find out more about my DNA map. However, I already know there are many mornings that I hit the ground ready to slay predatory animals or anything else in my path, with or without the genetic memory.

  2. Ian Kodanik says:

    I postulate that the thought that goes into a gift decreases as Christmas Day approaches. And I’ve always felt it’s much better to receive than give. This dictum that it’s better to give than receive was probably started by a tax collector.

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    The average lifetime cost of dementia per patient for Medicare is approximately $12,000…

    I suspect that is per capita; not the average cost per demented patient. When 78 million Baby Boomers hit Medicare (and medical science extends longevity over the next 25 years), expect that amount to grow.

  4. Brian says:

    Mental health insurance might decreae suicide, but it may also lead to an increase in patients being overprescribed things like antidepressants. I don’t think that could be proved, though.

  5. Brian says:

    That Neanderthal article was fascinating. There is clearly a lot to learn about human genes and humanity’s past.