Stunning finding: Saturated fat doesn’t cause heart disease.
Laszewski trashes the new Republican health plan.
Johnathan Chait: Is the new Republican plan really a plan or is it just promises, promises?
Are we headed toward a zero marginal cost society?
“The single macronutrient approach is outdated,”
Scientists are horrible at determing these things, they actually need to try these on people interested in fitness
Which will never happen
“Should there be special emergency rooms for the elderly?”
Costs would be sure to go up even more
Next to the mortuary
Very morbid
“In five states, an average full-career retiree receives a retirement income higher than his final salary.”
This is how Detroit collapsed!
And still collapsing, that city will just have to start over
“In five states, an average full-career retiree receives a retirement income higher than his final salary.”
People discount the value of benefits by rates that are too high. Explaining it another way in plain English, the reason credit cards with 16% annual interest rates exist is because people will pay huge premiums for benefits now rather than benefits in the future. Many people would trade $1 20 years for $0.05 today. This fact alone should be enough to explain why pension benefits are a relatively weak motivator.
If pension benefits are a weak motivator, then why are public pensions so generous? The only reason huge pensions like this exist is because interest group theory combines with the aforementioned phenomenon. Public employee unions lobby for perks in the future. Voters are willing to promise metermaids, for example, $45,000 in annual retiree benefits beginning 20 years from now because finding the money to pay someone $45,000 (starting 20 years from now, ending 50 years from now) is someone else’s problem. That someone else is our grandchildren — many who have yet to be born.
“The Republican Health-Care Plan Is Almost Here, and Always Will Be”
Of course, anything to beat out the Dems
Just to get their name on the bill
That is what’s important after all
I would like to think at least a couple congressmen do it to help the people.
“The Rise of Anti-Capitalism”
I would say its more about the rise of liberty!
Exactly, no one is anti capitalism, they just desire more liberties
It’s the rise of current society