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  1. Matthew says:

    That is interesting that the study of contagious yawning is a part of a bigger study, to find a better insight on schizophrenia and autism.

    • Thomas says:

      Contagious yawning is not as apparent among those with these illnesses or older people. Perhaps there is some correlation with a lack of awareness or hindered depth perception.

      • G. King says:

        Contagious yawning is probably a kind of psychological implications upon which the assumption is based.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    The benefits for getting animals fixed have always been shown to make the animals more docile. I wonder if it works the same on humans..

  3. Andrew says:

    Of course, March 31st was supposed to be set in concrete as the deadline for Obamacare. Now they are planning on extending it for some people. Evidently, there are always exceptions under Obamacare.

    • Bill B. says:

      “We are struggling to achieve stability.”

      Well this is contrary from what the president has lead us to believe.

  4. Buster says:

    The study of contagious yawning is a real yawner!

  5. Frank T says:

    Contagious yawning is an example of everything that still remains unknown to us. It remains an intriguing mystery about humans that science is yet to explain.

  6. Veronica F says:

    As the article mentions castration is one of the ways in which we are intervening in evolution. Activities made by human beings are taking evolution out of course. We are altering our ecosystems, no wonder why our world has changed significantly.

  7. George R says:

    It wouldn’t surprise me that the president chooses to postpone the deadline. Several times now he has changed the mandates in order to suit his political needs. The reason why I think they haven’t done it yet is because there are many people keeping an eye on Washington. Many are seeing with concerns the attitude Obama has taken of implementing laws with his presidential decrees.

  8. Martin G says:

    Extended or not, the implementation of Obamacare is already a major blow to the Democratic Party. They have failed in meeting their goal, they have failed in making the healthcare affordable, and they have failed in enrolling their target population. Whatever happens from here to the end of the month, we could easily conclude that the Democratic Party lost. (They lost alone; the Republican Party didn’t even tried to counter them)

  9. G. King says:

    Almost all comments focus on the yawning..