Health Construction Picks Up in August

After a few months lagging behind other construction, health facilities starts finally showed some life in August (See Table I). Although on a twelve-month basis health facilities construction is still running slower than the booming construction market overall, health construction grew by 1.9 percent from July. Other construction grew by only 0.6 percent.

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When looking only at private construction, health facilities and other building starts are at about the same rate of growth for the twelve-month period. However, health facilities construction grew three times faster – 2.1 percent versus 0.7 percent – than other building starts over one month.

Even public health construction, which had lagged massively in previous months, grew twice as fast as other public construction from July to June – 1.0 percent versus 0.5 percent. This is dramatic because public health facilities construction had actually declined in previous months, which remains apparent in the twelve-month negative rate of growth.

If this reflects a pick-up in building Veterans Health Administration hospitals, that is a problem, because the VHA remains racked with scandal and problems. As for private health facilities: Hospitals are often the least efficient location of care. Building more of them foretells increasing health costs.