Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. perry says:

    “Target drops coverage for part-time workers; send employees to the exchange.”

    Well, that’s not surprising.

  2. Wally says:

    “You see a lot of retailers making adjustments in contemplation of the full effect of the employer mandate penalties in 2015,” Neil Trautwein, a lobbyist with the National Retail Federation, a trade group in Washington, said in a phone interview. “Even though it is not effective yet, it is already having an effect on the job market and putting companies where they would probably not otherwise want to be.”

    From the past blog posts we have seen the reasons behind Trader Joe’s moves. They found that they would in fact save employees money by cutting their hours.

  3. Trent says:

    “Citing statistics released by the administration, it noted that so far about 24 percent of enrollees are between the ages of 18 and 34, while a target of 40 percent may be necessary to keep premiums from rising in the future.”

    At least we are getting closer

  4. Jordan says:

    “Analysis: Employers could face millions in penalties in states not expanding Medicaid.”

    Too bad it requires a login, it looks interesting

  5. Lucas says:

    “Target plans a one-time $500 payment to part-timers losing coverage and a consulting firm will help those workers sign up for new Obamacare plans. It said on its website that many part-time workers may prefer coverage from the health law’s exchanges, and that by offering them insurance, “we could actually disqualify many of them from being eligible” for subsidies.”

    At least they’re doing something about it

    • Trent says:

      500$ is a lot if they are also saving money on their plans

      • Hal says:

        But we have to factor in the time they may have without a healthplan. Also the impending switch in Doctors is probably worth way more than 500.

  6. Bob Hertz says:

    The ACA has a little poison pill for companies that employ a lot of part timers.

    If you employ 20 part timers at 25 hours, then those 500 work hours gets translated into full-time equivalent shadow employees.

    And this higher number determines any employer penalties.