Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Billy says:

    “HHS report: 55% of people who have signed up for insurance in the exchanges are 45 years of age or older.”

    In other words, the sick and the soon-to-be-sick.

  2. Wilbur says:

    “Study: NSA data have no impact on terrorism.”

    Because it’s not about terrorism, it’s about finding dissenters in our own nation.

  3. Mark says:

    “Finally, the MSM pays attention to vote-buying in Texas.”

    I like how they only say the district is democrat, and leave out the parties of the people doing the vote-buying.

  4. Kilian says:

    “Finally, the MSM pays attention to vote-buying in Texas.”

    They’re only picking it up so they can knock Texas.

  5. Wiliam says:

    “USA drops out of top 10 most economically free countries.”

    We hadn’t already?

  6. Stewart T. says:

    “The Guardian: woman shouldn’t share cancer treatment details on Twitter.”

    It seems no different than writing a journal to me. Other people can read that too.

  7. Andrew says:

    “…saying it can be used to provide “peace of mind” that there aren’t terrorist plots in the works.”

    Hmm, I recall a quote from Benjamin Franklin, “He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither.”